Pays Your Bill by Antenne Bayern (2023/2024)

by Antenne Bayern08/28/2023 - 03/15/2024

Common Questions

Enter your wishes on If you are mentioned, call 0800 994 1000 within 30 minutes and your wish will come true!

Mon - Fri at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm

Pays Your Bill by Antenne Bayern ran since 08/28/2023.

Pays Your Bill by Antenne Bayern ended on 03/15/2024.

Pays Your Bill by Antenne Bayern start on 08/28/2023 and ended on 03/15/2024.

Yes. To take part in Pays Your Bill by Antenne Bayern, you must first register at Antenne Bayern.

Yes. There is a map with all entries for Pays Your Bill by Antenne Bayern:

No. Unfortunately, Pays Your Bill by Antenne Bayern is currently not running. You can find other current competitions at

All entries

Who was drawn from Pays Your Bill by Antenne Bayern?

Taylor Swift Tickets wanted by
Lisa Schmitt from Hohenfels.

Wish was granted!

Yogawochenende wanted by
Sabine Bauer from Rosenheim.

Wish was granted!

Motorradreifen wanted by
Jennifer Reinhart from Grettstadt.

Wish was granted!

Eidechsengarten wanted by
Sabrina Kovski from Parkstetten.

Wish was granted!

Hahn wanted by
Luisa Säubert from Bergrheinfeld.

Wish was granted!

Surfkurs wanted by
Lena Burkard from Großaitingen.

Wish was granted!

Nintendo Switch wanted by
Christoph Weiß from Amberg.

Wish was granted!

Benzin wanted by
Markus Netter from Hagenbüchach.

Wish was granted!

Glockenriemenleder wanted by
Florian Schmitt from Obersdorf.

Wish was granted!

Heizöl wanted by
Michael Eigner from Pfarrkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Holzrechnung wanted by
Anette Schneider from Bergrheinfeld.

Wish was granted!

Schimmelgutachten wanted by
Stefanie Herold from Wolfratshausen.

Wish was granted!

Schultasche wanted by
Marina Rotkopf from Kirchberg Im Wald.

Wish was granted!

Auto Reparatur wanted by
Melanie Dlapka from Hemau.

Wish was granted!

Döner Grill wanted by
Corinna Wiese from Mölln.

Wish was granted!

Sommerreifen wanted by
Benjamin Harder from Oberstaufen.

Wish was granted!

Fahrrad wanted by
Erika Zittelsberger from Moosburg An Der Isar.

Wish was granted!

Freundebuch wanted by
Anita König from Schwandorf.

Wish was granted!

Persönlichkeits Entwicklungskurs wanted by
Corinna Biur from Roth.

Wish was granted!

Sichtschutz wanted by
Nikole Stingel from Teuschnitz.

Wish was granted!

Musical-Karten wanted by
Julia Karl from Spiegelau.

Wish was granted!

Rucksack wanted by
Angela Drexler from Grafing Bei München.

Wish was granted!

Osterbrunnen wanted by
Silke Ries from Ottensoos.

Wish was granted!

Eistheke wanted by
Isabel Pfannes from Sulzfeld am Main.

Wish was granted!

Pflanzen wanted by
Sybille Kleinbartnick from Herbstadt.

Wish was granted!

Shopping Geld wanted by
Lena Schaub from Westerheim.

Wish was granted!

Einbürgerungsantrag wanted by
Mosa Scheko from Schrobenhausen.

Wish was granted!

Bratwürste wanted by
Roswitha Rosskopf from Treuchtlingen.

Wish was granted!

Handy wanted by
Fabian Egginger from Pocking.

Wish was granted!

Falknerkurs wanted by
Evelin Götz from Langerringen.

Wish was granted!

Windelabo wanted by
Stefanie Blüchel from Burgkunstadt.

Wish was granted!

Laufausstattung wanted by
Lara Schuhmacher from München.

Wish was granted!

Waschtrockner wanted by
Julia Achaz from Regensburg.

Wish was granted!

Tracht wanted by
Fabian Dobisch from Güntersleben.

Wish was granted!

Garten wanted by
Tanja Unglert from Markt Rettenbach.

Wish was granted!

Miete wanted by
Magdalena Tänzler from Goldkronach.

Wish was granted!

Autoschlüssel wanted by
Maria Wagner from Neubeuern.

Wish was granted!

Blumen wanted by
Karmen Armbruster from Kempten (Allgäu).

Wish was granted!

Blitzerfoto wanted by
Gerhard Schwarze from Georgensgmünd.

Wish was granted!

465€ wanted by
Matthias Laumaar from Rettenbach.

Wish was granted!

Ehering wanted by
Alexandra Huber from Surheim.

Wish was granted!

Kettensäge wanted by
Bettina Lehmann from Simbach Am Inn.

Wish was granted!

Autoreifen wanted by
Christina Wagenhäuser from Langenzenn.

Wish was granted!

Auto wanted by
Melanie Pialek from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

Bierzapfanlage wanted by
Florian Poturika from Plattling.

Wish was granted!

Müllrechnung wanted by
Silke Därr from Neubrunn.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtsbaumschmuck wanted by
Hellen Riedel from Ellingen.

Wish was granted!

Küchenmaschine wanted by
Daniela Richter from Triefenstein.

Wish was granted!

Dauerkarte wanted by
Corinna Michel from Barbing.

Wish was granted!

Kinderjacke wanted by
Martina Ulrich from Wartenberg.

Wish was granted!

Wohnungseinrichtung wanted by
Lisa Gülar from Rudelzhausen.

Wish was granted!

899€ wanted by
Holger Sielaff from Bad Wiessee.

Didn't call :(

Babyparty wanted by
Johannes Grübel from Pfarrkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Wochenendtrip wanted by
Stefanie Kraus from Hohenpeißenberg.

Wish was granted!

Mathecamp wanted by
Markus Kron from Mauerstetten.

Wish was granted!

Kontaktlinsen wanted by
Stefan Viertel from Haarbach.

Wish was granted!

Hundeschule wanted by
Nikole Dietz from Frankenwinheim.

Wish was granted!

Trauzeugenkleid wanted by
Lena Kutzer from Kollnburg.

Wish was granted!

Claudio Pizarro Treffen wanted by
Petra Dietz from Hirschaid.

Wish was granted!

499€ wanted by
Sebastian Weikart from Dachau.

Didn't call :(

Adele Tickets wanted by
Christine Espenheim from Hilpoltstein.

Wish was granted!

Urlaub wanted by
Bernard Gallmeier from Falkenstein.

Wish was granted!

Autoreinigung wanted by
Dagmar Schmalz from Hohenwart.

Wish was granted!

Schilder wanted by
Sabrina Röder from Kolitzheim.

Wish was granted!

Sauna Tasche wanted by
Dagmar Gleisner from Karlstadt Am Main.

Wish was granted!

Saatgut wanted by
Christina Potschara from Bad Reichenhall.

Wish was granted!

Seminar wanted by
Christine Leidner from Immenstadt Im Allgäu.

Wish was granted!

Tattoo wanted by
Susann Böhm from Obertraubling.

Wish was granted!

Sportkleidung wanted by
Kerstin Dürr from Weyarn.

Wish was granted!

Wandfarbe wanted by
Laura Wiegner from Hilpoltstein.

Wish was granted!

Hufpflege wanted by
Berlinda Schröger from Eging Am See.

Wish was granted!

TÜV wanted by
Daniela Tischler from Altötting.

Wish was granted!

Schulranzen wanted by
Nelli Schnöß from Knetzgau.

Wish was granted!

PlayStation 5 wanted by
Carolin Fassbinder from Otterfing.

Wish was granted!

Milchschäumer wanted by
Michael Ortgras from Nittendorf.

Wish was granted!

Yoga Dock wanted by
Bettina Gampe from Prutting.

Wish was granted!

Beamer wanted by
Laura Rosenwirt from Wolferstadt.

Wish was granted!

Handwerkskammerprüfung wanted by
Christian Janka from Spiegelau.

Wish was granted!

Katzenlaufrad wanted by
Selina Marlo from Wolframs-Eschenbach.

Wish was granted!

Zirkus Tickets wanted by
Veronika Groß from Osterhofen.

Wish was granted!

Gartenmöbel wanted by
Meriem Zekiri from Neuses.

Wish was granted!

iPhone 15 wanted by
Sandra Meier from Unterroth.

Wish was granted!

Miele Staubsauger wanted by
Andrea Haas from Illertissen.

Wish was granted!

Spielzimmer wanted by
Jessica Meier from Gersthofen.

Wish was granted!

Tauchlehrer Weiterbildung wanted by
Fabian Meier from Oberviechtach.

Wish was granted!

Schullandheim wanted by
Stefan Tumer from Kist.

Wish was granted!

Schnittschutzschuhe wanted by
Christina Graf from Eschenbach.

Wish was granted!

Schuhe wanted by
Roland Eder from Hinterschmiding.

Wish was granted!

Entsafter wanted by
Jessica Widerholt from Kempten (Allgäu).

Wish was granted!

Traktorführerschein wanted by
Lena Karabar from Günzburg.

Wish was granted!

Formel 1 Ticket wanted by
Anja Bachmeier from Johanniskirchen.

Wish was granted!

Hochzeit wanted by
Michaela Weiß from Straubing.

Wish was granted!

Babyschale wanted by
Dalia Moor from Rödental.

Wish was granted!

Ziegenböcke wanted by
Anna-Lena Krug from Mömbris.

Wish was granted!

Tablet wanted by
Stefanie Peschel from Pocking.

Wish was granted!

Nagelschulung wanted by
Regina Meier from Auxburg.

Wish was granted!

Geschenke wanted by
Sabrina Gröbel from Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Adele Tickets wanted by
Cosima Rewitzer from Pleystein.

Wish was granted!

Küchen-Buffet wanted by
Andrea Obermeier from Treuchtlingen.

Wish was granted!

Anzug wanted by
Alexander Neudecker from Koburg.

Wish was granted!

Fashingskostüme wanted by
Karin Pregler from Oberviechtach.

Wish was granted!

Stripperin wanted by
Ralf Gomol from Augsburg.

Wish was granted!

Whirlpool wanted by
Bernd Jungkunz from Kulmbach.

Wish was granted!

Marderschutz wanted by
Jasmin Schlund from Knetzgau.

Wish was granted!

Trainer Ausrüstung wanted by
Barbara Bichell from Ottobrunn.

Wish was granted!

Gassiset wanted by
Melanie Regen from Neustadt an der Donau.

Wish was granted!

Katzenklappe wanted by
Gabi Strasser from Aham.

Wish was granted!

75€ wanted by
Luzia Stefan from Dietfurt An Der Altmühl.

Wish was granted!

Paketbox wanted by
Begüm Er from Röttenbach.

Wish was granted!

Wasserschaden wanted by
Susi Kobisch from Raubling.

Wish was granted!

Felgen wanted by
Christian Härtich from Simmershofen.

Wish was granted!

Fahrrad wanted by
Leonie Wiedemann from Weitnau.

Wish was granted!

Wein wanted by
Markus Süß from Burglengenfeld.

Wish was granted!

Rudergerät wanted by
Anita Zillig from Zapfendorf.

Wish was granted!

Londonreise wanted by
Emilia Obermeier from Deckendorf.

Wish was granted!

Fernseher wanted by
Christian Marlow from Wolframs-Eschenbach.

Wish was granted!

Autobatterie wanted by
Jürgen Häuselschmied from Ingolstadt.

Wish was granted!

Faschingskostüme wanted by
Sabine Weiber from Buttenwiesen.

Wish was granted!

Überwachungskamera wanted by
Angie Pahl from Spiegelau.

Wish was granted!

Autoreifen wanted by
Petra Mager from Vöhringen.

Wish was granted!

Geburtstagsfeier wanted by
Martina Porisch from Egloffstein.

Wish was granted!

Ohren-OP wanted by
Vanessa Schiller from Schöfweg.

Wish was granted!

LKW Zubehör wanted by
Leonard Huber from Krainburg Am Inn.

Wish was granted!

Zimmerbrunnen wanted by
Margarete Milevski from Wasserburg am Inn.

Wish was granted!

Snowboard wanted by
Cedrik Rock from Oberasbach.

Wish was granted!

Vorhang wanted by
Christina Kammern from Münchsmünster.

Wish was granted!

169€ wanted by
Carolin Marschal from Thannhausen.

Wish was granted!

Fußballtickets wanted by
Alexander Harlof from Fürth.

Didn't call :(

Babytrage wanted by
Kerstin Merkel from Riekofen.

Wish was granted!

Shopping wanted by
Sarah Schütz from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

Styling wanted by
Venia Bäumler from Ebnath.

Wish was granted!

Schulranzen wanted by
Denise Barder from Gablingen.

Wish was granted!

Unitasche wanted by
Carina Meier from Sankt Wolfgang.

Wish was granted!

Anzug wanted by
Nico Mark from Kitzingen.

Wish was granted!

Kuhkuscheln wanted by
Florian Weber from Langenzell.

Wish was granted!

Geburtstagsparty wanted by
Jasmin Beck from Stockstadt.

Wish was granted!

Apple Watch wanted by
Lea Kreuzer from Kempten (Allgäu).

Wish was granted!

Erste-Hilfe Kasten wanted by
Dagmar Schmalzel from Hohenwart.

Wish was granted!

Thermomix wanted by
Johanna Treu from Bonstetten.

Wish was granted!

Kaffeemühle wanted by
Ramona Mühlbauer from Straubing.

Wish was granted!

Drohne wanted by
Claudia Schmalz from Geltendorf.

Wish was granted!

Smartwatch wanted by
Steven Strauss from Petersaurach.

Wish was granted!

Ehrlich BrothersTickets wanted by
Sonja Zapf from Goldkronach.

Wish was granted!

Saugroboter wanted by
Andreas Becker from Ergoldsbach.

Wish was granted!

Geburtstagsüberraschung wanted by
Shila Siemon from Cadolzburg.

Wish was granted!

Gewächshaus wanted by
Jasmin Straller from Aufhausen.

Wish was granted!

Bootsschein wanted by
Robert Glattkie from Altdorf.

Wish was granted!

Klassenfahrt wanted by
Katharina Jahn from Erdingen.

Wish was granted!

KFZ-Versicherung wanted by
Tanja Forstner from Ziemetshausen.

Wish was granted!

Sideboard wanted by
Melanie Hausschild from Innernzell.

Wish was granted!

Sprachkurs wanted by
Kerstin Engliner from Neukirchen beim Heiligen Blut.

Wish was granted!

Faschingskostüme wanted by
Selina Meier from Dischingen.

Wish was granted!

Balkonkraftwerk wanted by
Matthias Kempter from Pfaffenhausen.

Wish was granted!

Auto Tuning wanted by
Matthias Kramer from Ried.

Wish was granted!

Haarentfernung wanted by
Anika Ochs from Vestenbergsgreuth.

Wish was granted!

Tanzkurs wanted by
Christina Siege from Büchelberg.

Wish was granted!

Bett wanted by
Sandra Wart from Kolitzheim.

Wish was granted!

Schulabschlussfahrt wanted by
Carmen Schmitt from Mehlmeisel.

Wish was granted!

800€ für Verein wanted by
Claudia Attkinson from Eching.

Wish was granted!

Freizeitpark Tickets wanted by
Jasmin Stoppel from Nittendorf.

Wish was granted!

Katzennest wanted by
Antonia Bauer from Hauzenberg.

Wish was granted!

Yoga Fortbildung wanted by
Julia Zebunke from Strullendorf.

Wish was granted!

Anzug wanted by
Sabine Hoffmann from Augsburg.

Wish was granted!

Schwimmanzug wanted by
Mariola Zellmar from Zollingen.

Wish was granted!

Wellnestag wanted by
Aline Lukas from Marktredwitz.

Wish was granted!

Tierfutter wanted by
Larissa Wegner from Mellrichstadt.

Wish was granted!

Kristallkissen wanted by
Dorit Heller from München.

Wish was granted!

Outdoorküche wanted by
Dominik Bräu from Rattenberg.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtsartikel wanted by
Manuela Vatelli from Ochsenburg.

Wish was granted!

Beamer und Leinwand wanted by
Thomas Hausner from Markt Berolzheim.

Wish was granted!

Umstyling wanted by
Alexandra Sampel from Putzbrunn.

Wish was granted!

Lego Party wanted by
Siegrid Kreuzer from Gessertshausen.

Wish was granted!

Scheibenwischer wanted by
Natalie Holzer from Bad Hindelang.

Wish was granted!

Kühlschrank wanted by
Andreas Schädelbauer from Straubing.

Wish was granted!

Autobatterie wanted by
Thomas Goldmann from Bamberg.

Wish was granted!

Boxspringbett wanted by
Angelina Slowakiewicz from Erlangen.

Wish was granted!

425€ wanted by
Manuela Vielächner from Erding.

Wish was granted!

180€ wanted by
Julia Omert from Wülfershausen An Der Saale.

Wish was granted!

Goldbarren wanted by
Verena Kramm from Schwaben.

Wish was granted!

Kakaomaschine wanted by
Michaela Wombacher from Aschaffenburg.

Wish was granted!

159€ wanted by
Annabell Fuß from Passau.

Wish was granted!

Grundierung wanted by
Sabrina Stief from Münster.

Wish was granted!

Konzerttickets wanted by
Sarah Hanisch from Freystadt.

Wish was granted!

It's being searched for
Sandra Radl from Traunreut.

Wish was granted!

Leberkäsesemmeln wanted by
Renekka Gepard from Weiden in der Oberpfalz.

Wish was granted!

Fallschirmsprung wanted by
Manuel Keindel from Mainburg.

Wish was granted!

Auto Versicherung wanted by
Alexander Schwarzenberger from Augsburg.

Wish was granted!

Müllgebühr wanted by
Dominik Rauh from Buch am Erlbach.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtsbaum wanted by
Lisa Wagner from Ingolstadt.

Didn't call :(

Klavier wanted by
Maximilan Hänge from Augsburg.

Wish was granted!

Laptop wanted by
Lena Geiß from Aschaffenburg.

Wish was granted!

Matratze wanted by
Janette Streck from München.

Wish was granted!

Fahrradträger wanted by
Steffen Reinfelder from Neunkirchen Am Brand.

Wish was granted!

Saugroboter wanted by
Christina Koller from Rennertshofen.

Wish was granted!

PlayStation 5 wanted by
Michael Gunzinger from Buchloe.

Wish was granted!

Hochwasserschutz wanted by
Tobias Diezer from Auerbach in der Oberpfalz.

Wish was granted!

Nebenkosten wanted by
Rebekka Kuttner from Pittenhart.

Wish was granted!

799€ wanted by
Stefan Hoffmann from Großmehring.

Wish was granted!

Aquarium wanted by
Daniel Pfaller from Weiden.

Wish was granted!

Skiurlaub wanted by
Teresa Klug from Niederaichbach.

Wish was granted!

E-Öffner wanted by
Bianka Hausen from Oberpfalz.

Wish was granted!

Fahrräder wanted by
Selina Marlo from Wolframs-Eschenbach.

Wish was granted!

Londonreise wanted by
Julia Donkor from Postbauer-Heng.

Wish was granted!

Smartphone wanted by
Alexandra Barginski from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

Urlaub wanted by
Ingrid Friedel from Tiefenbach.

Wish was granted!

Duschwand wanted by
Karin Zeiser from Valley.

Wish was granted!

Brille wanted by
Simone Hartel from Augsburg.

Wish was granted!

Tischgeschirrspüler wanted by
Johannes Labner from Schwarzenbach a.d.Saale.

Wish was granted!

Feuerholz wanted by
Nicole Dietz from Frankenwinheim.

Wish was granted!

355€ wanted by
Nadine Stangel from Schierling.

Wish was granted!

Müllgebühr wanted by
Thomas Weber from Egenhofen.

Wish was granted!

Halloween Party wanted by
Julia Reichenberger from Höchstädt an der Donau.

Wish was granted!

Saugroboter wanted by
Thomas Weimeier from Jettingen-Scheppach.

Wish was granted!

Kaffeemaschine wanted by
Claudia Sonntag from Ansbach.

Wish was granted!

Schulranzen wanted by
Maria Persais from Eggenfelden.

Wish was granted!

Schornsteinfeger wanted by
Elizabeth Bauer from Waldkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Trikot wanted by
Sindy Schreiber from Markt Indersdorf.

Wish was granted!

500€ wanted by
Daniela Giek from Waischenfeld.

Wish was granted!

Anhängerkupplung wanted by
Nikole Merkel from Marloffstein.

Wish was granted!

Hasenstall wanted by
Valeria Reußwich from Langenau.

Wish was granted!

Plattenspieler wanted by
Florian Pittracher from Münsingen.

Wish was granted!

Tablet wanted by
Christina Scheurich from Karlstadt.

Wish was granted!

Eishockey Jahresbeitrag wanted by
Sarah Strelau from Wald.

Wish was granted!

Tattoo wanted by
Bianka Ölschlägel from Untersiemau.

Wish was granted!

Weinwochenende wanted by
Susanne Schönauer from Winkelhaid.

Wish was granted!

Schlittenausrüstung wanted by
Ramona Weg from Untermeitingen.

Wish was granted!

Abschleppdienst wanted by
Corina Weber from Krailling.

Wish was granted!

Kinderbetr wanted by
Antonia Glatzeder from Walderbach.

Wish was granted!

Fallschirmsprung wanted by
Michelle Zänglein from Waldbrunn.

Wish was granted!

Kindergeburtstag wanted by
Nadine Schrupp from Friedberg.

Wish was granted!

Lego Starwars Set wanted by
Anna Strohmeier from Waging am See.

Wish was granted!

Brennpeter wanted by
Andree Pieper from Dietmannsried.

Wish was granted!

Wischsauger wanted by
Stefanie Dietz from Schonungen.

Wish was granted!

Schulranzen wanted by
Miriam Lamprecht from Wendelstein.

Wish was granted!

Kaffeemaschine wanted by
Viviane Franz from Eichstätt.

Wish was granted!

Pavillon wanted by
Daniel Kovski from Parkstetten.

Wish was granted!

Dirndl wanted by
Sofia Greuß from Neustadt an der Donau.

Wish was granted!

New Born Fotoshooting wanted by
Lea Hüppi from Bad Königshofen I. Grabfeld.

Wish was granted!

Boxspringbett wanted by
Celine Blaumoßer from Langenbach.

Wish was granted!

Kinderwagen wanted by
Jessica Ruck from Dillingen a.d.Donau.

Wish was granted!

Winterreifen wanted by
David Blume from Alteglofsheim.

Wish was granted!

439€ wanted by
Egon Warter from Bayreuth.

Wish was granted!

Adventskranz wanted by
Doris Zänglein from Waldbrunn.

Wish was granted!

Trainingsanzüge wanted by
Markus Stark from Bergkirchen.

Wish was granted!

New York Urlaub wanted by
Susanne Strohmeier from Strullendorf.

Wish was granted!

Winterjacke wanted by
Tobias Reichenberger from Grainet.

Wish was granted!

Fitnessuhr wanted by
Monika Bauer from Hof.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtsbaum wanted by
Corinna Halbritter from Kötz.

Wish was granted!

Dyson AirWrap wanted by
Christph Bieberger from Landshut.

Wish was granted!

Heim Planetarium wanted by
Tina Simon from Fürth.

Wish was granted!

Auto Versicherung wanted by
Franziska Wehr from Landshut.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtspully wanted by
Rebekka Gast from Woringen.

Didn't call :(

Affenbiss wanted by
Sofia Dukas from Weißenohe.

Wish was granted!

Kinderzimmer wanted by
Julia Scheerer Böckel from Mitteleschenbach.

Wish was granted!

Feuerholz wanted by
Axel Reindel from Gangkofen.

Wish was granted!

Spinning Bike wanted by
Marina Vogt from Breitenbrunn.

Wish was granted!

Pferdedecke wanted by
Nikole Lüdge from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

Ballettkurs wanted by
Nikole Speht from Ingolstadt.

Wish was granted!

Jahreskarte Schwimmbad wanted by
Bianka Böhm from Neutraubling.

Wish was granted!

Escape Room wanted by
Dominik Fischer from Haar.

Wish was granted!

Smartphone wanted by
Doris Arnold from Parkstetten.

Wish was granted!

Hecke wanted by
Rafael Retzler from Cadolzburg.

Wish was granted!

550€ wanted by
Jan Gentner from Hohenwart.

Wish was granted!

Konzertkarten wanted by
Susanne Albert from Großbardorf.

Wish was granted!

Sahara Bar Ausflug wanted by
Lena Miller from Münsterhausen.

Wish was granted!

Heißluftfritteuse wanted by
Dennis Michalke from Donauwörth.

Wish was granted!

Reisekosten wanted by
Jessica Rutkovski from Augsburg.

Wish was granted!

Kfz-Steuer wanted by
Monia Schewe from Hof.

Wish was granted!

Katzenklo wanted by
Bianka Sturm from Arnbruck.

Wish was granted!

Londonreise wanted by
Michelle Herzog from Deckendorf.

Wish was granted!

Babyschale wanted by
Astrit Freitag from Vilseck.

Wish was granted!

Feuerwehrstiefel wanted by
Patrick Schiermeier from Obernzell.

Wish was granted!

Comedy Show Tickets wanted by
Maria Heidenreich from Altdorf.

Wish was granted!

Harry Potter Klassenzimmer wanted by
Daisa Tanritanir from Donauwörth.

Didn't call :(

Weihnachtsgeschenke wanted by
Julian Siebert from Lindau (Bodensee).

Wish was granted!

Keyboard wanted by
Fanni Stankovich from Penzberg.

Wish was granted!

Playmobil Bauernhof wanted by
Susanne Schmidt from Markt Erlbach.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtsdeko wanted by
Stefan Frömmel from Heiningen.

Wish was granted!

Sitzbank wanted by
Sabrina Betz from Vohburg an der Donau.

Wish was granted!

Skilager wanted by
Regina Betz from Wertingen.

Wish was granted!

Wasserrechnung wanted by
Stefan Pressel from Vohenstrauß.

Wish was granted!

Flugticket wanted by
Janine Monis from Höchstadt a.d.Aisch.

Wish was granted!

Geschirrset wanted by
Markus Kachelmeier from Furth im Wald.

Wish was granted!

Zubehör wanted by
Ursula Hafenrichter from Leutershausen.

Wish was granted!

Tattoo wanted by
Mario Lukich from Traunreut.

Wish was granted!

VR Brille wanted by
Andreas Simmal from Landshut.

Wish was granted!

Smartwatch wanted by
Sabine Friedrich from Forchheim.

Wish was granted!

Baustellenradio wanted by
Christina Sturm from Haßfurt.

Wish was granted!

Staubsaugroboter wanted by
Jaqueline Maier from Wittislingen.

Wish was granted!

Kinderzimmer wanted by
Regina Rönich from Peißenberg.

Wish was granted!

Silvesterparty wanted by
Michaela Janning from Salzweg.

Wish was granted!

Winterjacke wanted by
Albert Kuppser from Kaufbeuren.

Didn't call :(

530€ wanted by
Ivonne Cotchi from Ahorn.

Wish was granted!

Fischerhütte wanted by
Anette Geidner from Vohburg an der Donau.

Wish was granted!

Sauna 10er Karte wanted by
Sylvia Altfalt Maurer from Roth.

Wish was granted!

Indoor Klettergerüst wanted by
Manuela Miesel from Neresheim.

Wish was granted!

Thermenbesuch wanted by
Claudia Schubert from Pfarrkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtsgeschenke wanted by
Celine Schmitt from Riedenburg.

Wish was granted!

Eiswagen wanted by
Anja Schindler from Burglengenfeld.

Wish was granted!

Trikot wanted by
Sneschana Gaijez Schramm from Dorfprozelten.

Wish was granted!

Brille wanted by
Nadine Zeis from Rothenstadt.

Wish was granted!

Hundetagesstätte wanted by
Florian Plöckel from Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm.

Wish was granted!

Botoxbehandlungen wanted by
Sandra Göttner from Markt Rettenbach.

Wish was granted!

Faltpavillon wanted by
Silke Heulisch from Waldbüttelbrunn.

Wish was granted!

Schlüsselaustausch wanted by
Sabine Steinhauer from Memmingen.

Wish was granted!

Wellnessurlaub wanted by
Aija Gündogu from Moosburg An Der Isar.

Wish was granted!

Dachleiter wanted by
Florian Ängstler from Bernbeuern.

Wish was granted!

Schwimmkurs wanted by
Anita Saar from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

700€ wanted by
Christoph Blechschmitt from Bissingen.

Wish was granted!

Fallschirmsprung wanted by
Melanie Strasser from Abensberg.

Wish was granted!

Smartphone wanted by
Kerstin Endlinger from Neukirchen beim Heiligen Blut.

Wish was granted!

Kaffeemühle wanted by
Ramona Mühlbauer from Straubing.

Wish was granted!

Vogelfutter wanted by
Nikole Wirth from Nordheim Vor Der Rhön.

Wish was granted!

Bügeleisen wanted by
Isabell Teresa Klauser from Teisendorf.

Wish was granted!

Bild wanted by
Kerstin Seits from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

Kochkurs wanted by
Julia Meisch from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

Arbeitskleidung wanted by
Sabrina Weißhaupt from Dürrlauingen.

Wish was granted!

Gartengeräte wanted by
Johannes Mosandel from Dietfurt An Der Altmühl.

Wish was granted!

Kinder Winterklamotten wanted by
Daniela Gindele from Gilching.

Wish was granted!

Auto Reparatur wanted by
Tina Lener from Grafenau.

Wish was granted!

Christbaumkugeln wanted by
Thomas Amberg from Unterdießen.

Wish was granted!

Fernseher wanted by
Gerhard Lütsch from Fürstenfeldbruck.

Didn't call :(

Obstbäume wanted by
Julia Lemmermann from Obermichelbach.

Wish was granted!

Couch wanted by
Jasmine Schäfer from Passau.

Wish was granted!

140€ wanted by
Sabrina Zimmermann Heuchle from Wehringen.

Wish was granted!

Fußballtickets wanted by
Manuel Habian Luitle from Weißenburg.

Wish was granted!

Skiverleih wanted by
Christine Mayer from Pirk.

Wish was granted!

Weber Grill wanted by
David Hölldrich from Oberammergau.

Wish was granted!

Blitzerfoto wanted by
Stefan Peter Mayer from Taufkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Fernseher wanted by
Angelika Zimmer from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

Motorradhelm wanted by
Stefanie Lang from Sand Am Main.

Wish was granted!

Skiurlaub wanted by
Lukas Bunk from Kollnburg.

Wish was granted!

Englischkurs wanted by
Bordana Rasch from Palingen.

Wish was granted!

Geschirr wanted by
Sonja Straubinger Pilz from Mauerstetten.

Wish was granted!

Tapetenwechsel wanted by
Marcel Link from Eckental.

Wish was granted!

Tracking App wanted by
Sabine Ernst from Neusorg.

Wish was granted!

600€ wanted by
Katharina Schneeberger from Wenzenbach.

Wish was granted!

300€ wanted by
Claudia Stark from Arzberg.

Wish was granted!

Halloween Kostüm wanted by
Lubov Spreier from Leinheim.

Wish was granted!

Leinwandbilder wanted by
Jennifer Büchel from Wolfratshausen.

Wish was granted!

Stiefel wanted by
Selina Stadler from Furth.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtsbaum wanted by
Mona Heppenstiel from Karlstadt.

Wish was granted!

Kinderkutche wanted by
Verena Hohnberger from Fürstenzell.

Wish was granted!

Katzenklappe wanted by
Annita Schrein from Traunreut.

Wish was granted!

Spiegelreflexkamera wanted by
Heike Lehnert from Selbitz.

Wish was granted!

Waschmaschine wanted by
Mark Schneider from Sennfeld.

Wish was granted!

Auto Kindersitze & 100.000€! wanted by
Sandra Schwarzenberger from Wörth Am Rhain.

Wish was granted!

Schornsteinfeger wanted by
Tina Feut from Knetzgau.

Wish was granted!

Komzertkarten wanted by
Claudia Bessler from Pörnbach.

Wish was granted!

Auto Versicherung wanted by
Elvi Krogner from Wald.

Wish was granted!

Lebkuchen wanted by
Roland Schülein from Röckingen.

Wish was granted!

Spielzeug Traktor wanted by
Denise Lackner from Holzheim.

Wish was granted!

Auto wanted by
Annette Österlein from Syrgenstein.

Wish was granted!

Laubbläser wanted by
Sarah Schöpps from Koburg.

Wish was granted!

Fußballtrikot wanted by
Sabina Beer from Osterhofen.

Wish was granted!

Stripperin wanted by
Kathja Stefan from Hohenwart.

Wish was granted!

Bier & Spar wanted by
Kathrin Neubauer from Marxheim.

Wish was granted!

Firewall wanted by
Stefan Fürst from Waldkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Baustoffe wanted by
Ailine Heidenreich from Schlammersdorf.

Wish was granted!

Holz wanted by
Patrick Göbel from Arnstein.

Wish was granted!

Miete wanted by
Jens Dübe.

Wish was granted!

Hose wanted by
Alexandra Matterne from Segnitz.

Wish was granted!

Mädelszeit wanted by
Ivonne Knab from Schweig.

Wish was granted!

Urlaub wanted by
Lisa-Marina Schichtel from Bogen.

Wish was granted!

Musikunterricht wanted by
Michael Rebitzer from Oberpleichfeld.

Wish was granted!

Pasta Maker wanted by
Melanie Jochum from Bergkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Auto Reparatur wanted by
Peter Salar from Mindelheim.

Wish was granted!

Hühner wanted by
Nikole Koppsch from Wildenberg.

Wish was granted!

Kinderbett wanted by
Nikole Hastreiter from Feldkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Schuhe wanted by
Heidi Mönche from Sailauf.

Wish was granted!

Bügeleisen wanted by
Ed Schmitt from Deggendorf.

Wish was granted!

Schönheits-OP wanted by
Alene Harnold from Westendorf.

Wish was granted!

Gaming Maus wanted by
Christian Mark from Tirschenreuth.

Wish was granted!

150€ wanted by
Sonja Stenle from Haburg.

Wish was granted!

Trampolin wanted by
Sylvia Rosner from Leonberg.

Wish was granted!

Spülmaschine wanted by
Stefanie Grüner from Neuried.

Wish was granted!

599€ wanted by
Timo Trunk from Oberaurach.

Wish was granted!

Fährüberfahrt wanted by
Marina Miezner from Schierling.

Wish was granted!

Mikrowelle wanted by
Ivonne Kamminzki from Ludwigsstadt.

Wish was granted!

Vorhänge wanted by
Gerlinde Zettel from Spalt.

Wish was granted!

Diät wanted by
Verena Groß from Rottenburg An Der Laaber.

Wish was granted!

Aqua Bouncing wanted by
Stefanie Harz from Feucht.

Wish was granted!

Autoradio wanted by
Sindi Adam from Kümmersbruck.

Wish was granted!

Oral-B Zahnbürste wanted by
Florian Büdinger from Ronzberg.

Wish was granted!

Kinderhaus wanted by
Martina Volker from Werneck.

Wish was granted!

Kleinkläranlage wanted by
Anita Hirschberger from Altentann.

Wish was granted!

Messerschleifer wanted by
Claudia Reichel from Ingolstadt.

Wish was granted!

Halloween Party wanted by
Sigrid Kreuzer from Gessertshausen.

Wish was granted!

Samsung Watch 6 wanted by
Anna-Maria Deczki from Roth.

Wish was granted!

Bierbank wanted by
Lisa Spauke from Bammberg.

Wish was granted!

Tauffest wanted by
Katharina Dechernt from Hausen.

Wish was granted!

Lederhose wanted by
Corbinian Kemptner from Kammeltal.

Wish was granted!

Winterreifen wanted by
Sabrina Krüger from Untersiemau.

Wish was granted!

Schneideplotter wanted by
Lena Micharts from Altenstadt.

Wish was granted!

Staubsauger wanted by
Romina Schneider from Kaufbeuren.

Wish was granted!

GEZ Gebühren wanted by
Jasmine Anders from Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Wish was granted!

Bollerwagen wanted by
Patrizia Mühlberg from Germersheim.

Wish was granted!

Helferfest wanted by
Johanna Bloch from Werneck.

Wish was granted!

Taekwondo Camp wanted by
Stefanie Klose from Aindling.

Wish was granted!

Wintermantel wanted by
Renee Kaiser from Stein.

Wish was granted!

Scooter wanted by
Franziska Glaske from Weidendorf.

Wish was granted!

Holz wanted by
Julia Wiesnett from Wallgau.

Wish was granted!

Winterreifen wanted by
Kevin Kraus from Bischhofswiesen.

Wish was granted!

360€ wanted by
Vanessa Weber from Kaufbeuren.

Wish was granted!

Auto Reparatur wanted by
Markus Fick from Tumbach.

Wish was granted!

569€ wanted by
Hedi Gensberger from Tegernsee.

Wish was granted!

Brennholz wanted by
Sebastian Lober from Allersberg.

Wish was granted!

Adventskalender wanted by
Nina Moring from Augsburg.

Wish was granted!

Dyson Staubsauger wanted by
Carina Ries from Augsburg.

Wish was granted!

Tierarzt wanted by
Carina Borbonn from Untergriesbach.

Wish was granted!

Weihnachtszutaten wanted by
Melanie Raschmann from Langenzenn.

Wish was granted!

380€ wanted by
Susanne Schlingbecker from Mömbris.

Wish was granted!

Cheerleader Outfits wanted by
Melanie Schindelbeck from Duggendorf.

Wish was granted!

TÜV wanted by
Nadine Wachenfels from Bad Staffelstein.

Wish was granted!

Toniebox wanted by
Melanie Nagelmüller from Passau.

Wish was granted!

588€ wanted by
Phillip Brauchler from München.

Wish was granted!

It's being searched for
Joe E. from Allgäu.

Wish was granted!

223€ wanted by
Tabea Holzner from Marktl.

Wish was granted!

Putzmittel wanted by
Petra Helget from Flossenbürg.

Wish was granted!

Waschmaschine wanted by
Vanessa Kropp from Hof.

Wish was granted!

Wiesn-Geld wanted by
Matthias Kramer from Ried.

Wish was granted!

Urlaub wanted by
Aline Schanz from Allershausen.

Wish was granted!

Hundeschule wanted by
Jasmine Hörmann from Rottenburg An Der Laaber.

Wish was granted!

Toaster wanted by
Melanie Raschmann from Langenzell.

Wish was granted!

iPhone 15 wanted by
Martina Peuka from Werneck.

Wish was granted!

Socken wanted by
Dagma Schmalzel from Hohenwart.

Wish was granted!

Skilager wanted by
Kathrin Lang from Uehlfeld.

Wish was granted!

Mallorca Urlaub wanted by
Vanessa Weismann from Offingen.

Wish was granted!

Axtwerfen wanted by
Nadja Wolfbräuer from Aschaffenburg.

Wish was granted!

Laufschuhe wanted by
Harald Berschneider from Weißenburg.

Wish was granted!

150€ wanted by
Andreas Mayer from Schmidgaden.

Didn't call :(

Kofferraumverriegelung wanted by
Thorsten Lotz from Emmerting.

Wish was granted!

YouTube Equipment wanted by
Steffi Firiedler from Lauf.

Wish was granted!

Stiefel wanted by
Claudia Beck from Altomünster.

Wish was granted!

Wunderwiege wanted by
Büschra Gürischek from Unterfranken.

Wish was granted!

101€ wanted by
Martin Six from Schrobenhausen.

Wish was granted!

Taylor Swift Tickets wanted by
Tina Gerner from Ansbach.

Wish was granted!

Schulranzen wanted by
Kim Frank from Haag.

Wish was granted!

Taufe wanted by
Selina Schlenz from Schwarzenbach.

Wish was granted!

Bürostuhl wanted by
Andreas Precklein from Rödental.

Wish was granted!

Angelschein wanted by
Nadine Reichel from Nittenau.

Wish was granted!

Rucksack wanted by
Marko König from München.

Wish was granted!

Urlaub wanted by
Matthias Hartmann from Poing.

Didn't call :(

Kopfhörer wanted by
Marko Oliviera from Eching.

Wish was granted!

Reitpferd wanted by
Eugenia Eder from Niederwinkling.

Wish was granted!

Shoppen wanted by
Sylvia Heublein from Koburg.

Wish was granted!

Goldwaschausrüstung wanted by
Florian Mistelbacher from Bad Reichenhall.

Wish was granted!

Klempner wanted by
Wolfgang Tanner from Coburg.

Wish was granted!

Nussknacker wanted by
Sarah Müller from Mitterteich.

Wish was granted!

Tischkicker wanted by
Oliver Müller from Schöningen.

Wish was granted!

Fußballtrikot wanted by
Uwe Wild from Pensberg.

Wish was granted!

Koffer wanted by
Martina Horber from Memmingen.

Wish was granted!

Laptop wanted by
Sabrina Gläsel from Marktrodach.

Wish was granted!

Motorrad wanted by
Franziska Schweiger from Oberammergau.

Wish was granted!

Hagelschaden wanted by
Sandra Schuster from Königsbrunnen.

Wish was granted!

Apple Watch wanted by
Stefan Zimmermann from Passau.

Wish was granted!

Silofolie wanted by
Daniela Marr from Burgkunstadt.

Wish was granted!

Mähroboter wanted by
Manuel Grillhösel from Hutthurm.

Wish was granted!

Autolichter wanted by
Antonia Alschinger from Leiblfing.

Wish was granted!

Kratzbaum wanted by
Caroline Luitz from Memmingen.

Wish was granted!

Spiegelreflexkamera wanted by
Simone Steinbach from Fürth.

Wish was granted!

Reborn Puppe wanted by
Caroline Reder from Bogen.

Wish was granted!

Smartwatch wanted by
Markus Bloch from Werneck.

Wish was granted!

Gardine wanted by
Christina Stadler from Buchhofen.

Wish was granted!

Kennzeichenhalter wanted by
Christof Mederer from Mainburg.

Wish was granted!

Kühlschrank wanted by
Ali Eitemur from Waldaschaff.

Wish was granted!

Trainingslager wanted by
Tobias Meckel.

Wish was granted!

Fahrradanhänger wanted by
Marie-Luise Faber from Oberottmarshausen.

Wish was granted!

Fotobox wanted by
Carolina Rubel from Valley.

Wish was granted!

Lederhose wanted by
Isabella Dunkel from Pörnbach.

Wish was granted!

Disney+ Jahresabo wanted by
Jens Bernhard from Hausen.

Wish was granted!

Zug- und Kappsäge wanted by
Robert Steffens from Türkheim.

Wish was granted!

Nintendo Switch wanted by
Jasemin Bell from Ansbach.

Wish was granted!

Standup Paddle wanted by
Lena Schmalhof from Babing.

Wish was granted!

Gitarrenunterricht wanted by
Sabine Abele from Mitterteich.

Wish was granted!

Raubtierfütterung wanted by
Melanie Stäbner from Straubingen.

Wish was granted!

Miete wanted by
Marion Schneider from Anzingen.

Wish was granted!

Computerbrille wanted by
Carmen Schweiger from Nürnberg.

Didn't call :(

Nachhilfe wanted by
Julia Fink from Mömmriss.

Wish was granted!

Heimkino wanted by
Jonas Boll from Elsenfeld.

Wish was granted!

Vier Schanzen Tournee Tickets wanted by
Jörg Sekulla from Rohringen.

Wish was granted!

Staubsauger wanted by
Sara Brechtel from Weißenburg.

Wish was granted!

Friseurbesuch wanted by
Kerstin Narn from Günzburg.

Wish was granted!

Massage Pistole wanted by
Karina Öttel from Johanneskirchen.

Wish was granted!

Metallteile wanted by
Maximilian Monzer from Garmbach.

Wish was granted!

Kinderautositz wanted by
Sandra Scherer from Burgau.

Wish was granted!

E-Scooter wanted by
Rebekka Repert from Weiden.

Wish was granted!

Spiegel wanted by
Astrid Greller Zuber from Roth.

Didn't call :(

Tattoo wanted by
Kathrin Fröhlich from Parkstein.

Wish was granted!

400€ wanted by
Ivonne Vogel from Nürnberg.

Wish was granted!

Wocheneinkauf wanted by
Linda Le from Harburg (Schwaben).

Wish was granted!

Thermomix wanted by
Franz Schlögel from Simbach.

Wish was granted!

Sportnahrung wanted by
Roman Springel from Inzell.

Wish was granted!

Grill wanted by
Ankathrin Schnar from Urspringen.

Wish was granted!

Garnelen wanted by
Matthias Krause from Amberg.

Wish was granted!

Tankgutschein wanted by
Alex Endres from Mellrichstadt.

Wish was granted!

Hochbett wanted by
Celine Ruschek from Kettershausen.

Wish was granted!

Schuhe wanted by
Michael Kurzner from München.

Wish was granted!

Spülmaschine wanted by
Barbara Richter from Weil.

Wish was granted!

Konzerttickets wanted by
Lisa Weinkölz from Leidersbach.

Wish was granted!

Flug wanted by
Julia Sobotta from Aschaffenburg.

Wish was granted!

Skiausrüstung wanted by
Tina Fackler from Betzigau.

Wish was granted!

Schreibtische wanted by
Nadine Kaltenecker from Ingolstadt.

Wish was granted!

500€ Shopping wanted by
Anja Bacht from Menningen.

Wish was granted!

Standup Paddle wanted by
Jasime Hörmann from Rottenburg An Der Laaber.

Wish was granted!

373€ wanted by
Annika Ruf from Ziemetshausen.

Wish was granted!

Hundeimpfung wanted by
Stefanie Beck from Hempfling.

Didn't call :(

Fußballtrikot wanted by
Luis Graniza from München.

Didn't call :(

Fernseher wanted by
Christina Neeb from Zapfendorf.

Wish was granted!

Jod-Schwefelbad wanted by
Sascha Bachmann from Miesbach.

Wish was granted!

Schlitten wanted by
Bianka Metzler from Rotthalmünster.

Wish was granted!

203,20€ wanted by
Isabel Stegmann from Krumbach (Schwaben).

Wish was granted!

Apple Watch wanted by
Simon Sand from Ornbau.

Wish was granted!

Insektenschutz wanted by
Marcel Musch from Marktredwitz.

Wish was granted!

Party wanted by
Michael Manger from Karlstadt.

Wish was granted!

Griechenland Reise wanted by
Andrea Lohfeier from München.

Wish was granted!

Stofftier wanted by
Bianka Neumeier from Dietersburg.

Wish was granted!

Stuhlhussen wanted by
Anne Ertel from Etzenricht.

Wish was granted!

200€ wanted by
Esta Glaser from Freising.

Wish was granted!

PlayStation 5 wanted by
Lukas Reinhart from Sulzbach.

Wish was granted!

738€ wanted by
Stefan Zell from Regensburg.

Wish was granted!

Schulranzen wanted by
Denise Bremley from Kemmern.

Wish was granted!