Arnos Dream Week by RTL Radio (2022)

by RTL Radio03/07/2022 - 03/25/2022

Common Questions

Submit your €10,000 wish at and once a week from Mon.- Fri. a wish will be drawn at 8 o'clock. If your wish gets announced, call 030 / 884 84 84 immediately to win!

Once a week Mon - Fri around 8am

Arnos Dream Week by RTL Radio ran since 03/07/2022.

Arnos Dream Week by RTL Radio ended on 03/25/2022.

Arnos Dream Week by RTL Radio start on 03/07/2022 and ended on 03/25/2022.

Yes. To take part in Arnos Dream Week by RTL Radio, you must first register at RTL Radio.

No. There is no map for Arnos Dream Week by RTL Radio available.

No. Unfortunately, Arnos Dream Week by RTL Radio is currently not running. You can find other current competitions at

All entries

Who was drawn from Arnos Dream Week by RTL Radio?

Startkapital für Selbstständigkeit wanted by
Simone Vogel.

Wish was granted!

Wohnung Erstausstattung wanted by
Ramona Simon.

Didn't call :(

Bootsführerschein wanted by
Denise Pitschmann from Luckenwalde.

Wish was granted!

Hochzeitsreise wanted by
Lea Müller from Fredersdorf.

Didn't call :(

E-Auto wanted by
Anna Novak Oesinghaus.

Wish was granted!